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Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF)

Join us to better understand and prepare for the upcoming regulation

Zürich Marriott Hotel
Neumühlequai 42
8006 Zürich
Thursday 5 December 2024
Optional Bootcamp: 11:30 - 14:00
Lunch provided
Main Session:
14:00 - 18:00
Followed by a networking apéro

By attending, you will ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge to navigate these new CARF requirements and understand their impact on your organisation and clients.

During the event we will deep-dive on:
  • What is the status of the CARF implementation in Switzerland and globally, including the US digital asset broker reporting regime?
  • Which Crypto-Assets are in scope, and who qualifies as Reporting Crypto-Asset Service Provider (RCASP) and needs to comply with the new tax rules?
  • Which transactions are subject to CARF reporting, who should be treated as the User, and who faces the reporting obligations if multiple RCASPs are involved?
  • How do you need to document your clients under the new rules, and how to report them?
  • What are the key implementation challenges for different types of RCASPs, and what are the next steps to ensure compliance?

Optional Bootcamp:
Just before the main event we will host a 2-hour introduction into the particularities of the crypto market and the embedded terminology. Should you not have a good understanding of terms like “decentralized ledger”, “node”, “smart contract”, “token”, “fork”, or “airdrop”, we recommend attending this bootcamp to enable you to better grasp the CARF rules presented during the main session.

Please fill in the form below to register.

Please be aware that photography and filming may take place during this event. By accepting this invitation, you consent to being photographed and filmed, as well as to Deloitte’s right to use the photographs and/or recordings for Deloitte’s internal and/or external communication purposes.

This consent may be revoked in writing at any time. Unless revoked, this consent will not expire. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].



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