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Deloitte Immigration Academy 2023

Join our half-day workshop

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Date of the event
12:00 - 17:15

For these workshops we will be joined by the State Secretary for Migration (SEM) and together we will provide updates and discuss the latest developments in the field of immigration.

We will explore the following topics:
  • Immigration updates: What’s new on a Swiss and global level? Additionally, the SEM will provide input on recent developments in the field of labour market admission and process related changes in Switzerland.
  • Deep dive - Right to Work and Immigration Employer Obligations:
    • What needs to be considered at offer and start of employment stage and what are the key ongoing immigration employer obligations?
    • Case studies
  •  Insights from SEM: What is the legal framework and challenge of the S-permit status for Ukrainian nationals?
Please fill in the form below to register.

Please be aware that photography and filming may take place during this event. By accepting this invitation, you consent to being photographed and filmed, as well as to Deloitte’s right to use the photographs and/or recordings for Deloitte’s internal and/or external communication purposes.

This consent may be revoked in writing at any time. Unless revoked, this consent will not expire. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].



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