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External Asset Managers Event

Accelerating M&A in an environment of consolidation and regulatory change

Office_locator_POS.png Venues:
Lugano - Hotel Splendide Royal
Geneva - Hotel des Bergues
Zurich - Park Hyatt
Calender_POS.png Lugano: 28 September 2022
Geneva: 29 September 2022
Zurich: 26 October 2022
16:30 - 18:30 (followed by an apéro)

The External Asset Management (EAM) sector has started to change dramatically. The pressure of regulatory changes, increased costs, organic growth challenges and requirement for adapted investment offerings have accelerated M&A amongst EAMs considerably in the past 12 months, and we expect this trend to continue in the coming months and years.

During the event we will highlight key learnings from recently announced M&A transactions, as well as key considerations for market participants to take advantage of current sector dynamics.

We will have the pleasure to welcome selected leaders from the industry who will share their perspective regarding their recent landmark M&A transactions, and will share key learnings and recipes for success with us:
  • In Lugano only - Vittorio Conaro, CEO of Cornèr Bank 
  • In Geneva only - Jean-Marc Tornare, Group CEO and President of the Board of Octogone Gestion SA 
  • In Zurich only - Eric Syz, Group CEO of Syz Group 
  • In Lugano, Geneva and Zurich - Mathias Vandermeeren, Acquisition manager, Quaestor coach 
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