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Financial Services – tax and transfer pricing insights from Thibaut Urbain (SFTA)

Update on the latest tax and transfer pricing topics

GlobalMeet Webinar
14 December 2021
09:30 - 10:30 CET

Join us to discuss the latest tax and transfer pricing insights in relation to the financial services industry. We are delighted to be joined by Thibaut Urbain, who is a transfer pricing expert with the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (SFTA).

This webinar presents an opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss the latest considerations relating to transfer pricing, as well as the impact on corporate and indirect taxes.

Our webinar will focus on the following topics:
  • The scope of financial services covered by the Swiss Federal Tax Authorities
  • Latest developments and hot topics relating to financial services transfer pricing, and the impact on direct and indirect taxes
  • Views in relation to the latest OECD developments and how this may impact the financial services industry in Switzerland

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