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Swiss & International VAT update 2020

Join our VAT Breakfast virtual event

Webex Webinar
08 December 2020
9am CET - 10.45am CET

About the webinar:

The VAT landscape and requirements for VAT professionals are constantly changing, creating unknowns and uncertainties. Getting VAT wrong can seriously affect your organisation, in terms of additional costs, stiff penalties imposed by the authorities or missed opportunities to simplify. Especially these days organizations looking at their VAT departments and asking whether they can support with various measures financial performance.

In the upcoming webinar, we will share our latest experience with the Tax Authorities and provide an update on new developments, upcoming changes, and discussions:

  • Overview of recent and upcoming EU and international VAT / GST developments affecting companies operating outside Switzerland notably the new market place rules in the EU, the latest Brexit developments and changes in the rest of the world.
  • Overview of recent Swiss VAT developments covering notably latest Federal Court Decisions on Tax succession and subordination license. We also share the status and content of the VAT Law revision to be expected around 2023.
  • Lastly, we will provide in an Excursus a brief overview about how S4/HANA Technology could support VAT departments.
Fill in the form below to register.

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This consent may be revoked in writing at any time. Unless revoked, this consent will not expire. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].



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