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Swiss Investigation Forum 2020

Join our Virtual Conference

Virtual Conference
4 November 2020
3pm CET - 6.15pm CET

This year we will focus on ‘Investigations and Compliance in the new world’ and will discuss the increased risks imposed by the pandemic and how to keep up with the investigations in a remote working environment.

As the event will take place on 4 Nov., right after the US elections (3 Nov.), we will additionally look at the enforcement priorities under a Biden or Trump Administration. Depending on the status of election outcome, our speakers will elaborate the regulatory expectations going forward.

SIF 2020_Agenda (final).jpg

The SIF will be held as a virtual conference this year, using a cutting edge 3D conference format.

We look forward seeing you again this year.

Please use this registration form below to enroll for the conference and in due course you will hear back from us with all the conference details.

For this virtual event we are using a technical solution provided by FX Agency (Maliebaan 68, 3581 CV Utrecht, Netherlands).

Please be aware that recording may take place during this event. By accepting this invitation, you consent to being recorded as well as to Deloitte’s right to use the recordings for Deloitte’s internal and/or external communication purposes.

This consent may be revoked in writing at any time. Unless revoked, this consent will not expire. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].



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